Advisory Board and Senior Portfolio Review: Thursday May 2nd, 2024
The School of Technology, Art & Design (The TAD School) is hosting our annual portfolio review sessions in person again this year! Our design seniors will once again have the opportunity to present their work in person to family, friends, classmates, and our volunteer reviewers. This is very exciting for the seniors and faculty here, as you can imagine.
In each review session, students will seek feedback from expert reviewers, who will provide critical analysis of the work, allowing the students to proactively adjust their portfolios before entering the world as professional artists, designers, and makers. Thank you all for your ongoing interest and support for our unique program and our amazing students.
Participate in Senior Portfolio Review
Community members and industry professionals are welcome — and encouraged! — to participate in our review sessions.
Volunteer to be a Reviewer
Thanks to the interest, support, and expertise of our generous reviewers, made up of industry professionals, freelance designers, fine artists, and even TAD School Alums our graduating designers get a chance to present their work in a professional setting and get valuable feedback about their portfolios. Anyone with interest and experience with our program is invited to register to be a reviewer.
Attend and/or Join the Advisory Board
To register for this year’s advisory board, please use the link below. If you are not currently a member of the advisory board or would like to update your information, you can use the same form.
Attend and/or Join the Advisory Board
Check Out Our Current and Past Presenters
We’ve got Bio and schedule information for all of this year’s presenting design graduates, so you can preview their work, connect with them on social media, and find the time and room to see them live on Portfolio Day. We’ve also saved presenter info from the last two years in case you are curious or want to follow up with a past grad.
View Presenters from previous years
Schedule for Advisory Board, Portfolio and More:
Thursday May 2nd:
TAD Advisory Meeting- Thursday morning 9:30 – Noon (coffee and snacks available at 9:00).
Informal Portfolio Presentations- Our seniors will be doing informal portfolio presentations in the first-floor hallway from Noon – 1:00.
Portfolio Presentations- Students will be doing formal portfolio presentations during afternoon sessions (1:00-3:00, 3:30-5:30).
TAD Banquet- Presenters, reviewers, advisory board members and faculty are invited to attend our Senior Banquet (Thursday night from 5:30 – 8:00).
Friday May 3rd:
BSU Commencement- BSU Graduation will be taking place on Friday May 3rd